
Get premium framing for your unique space.

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Get the help you need tackling your next construction project. Our experienced workers will post a frame structure for whatever you need. From a huge barn to a smaller shed in your backyard, we can build any size or design you've got. We are custom framing specialists.

Wood Framing

New homes and additions

Are you ready to frame your new home? Look no further than Stevens Builders LLC.

We work efficiently and accurately to ensure the highest safety, appearance and function of your residential project.


Cost efficient framing

  • Residential framing
  • Metal framing
  • Wood framing
  • Drywall
  • And more!

Personal attention for your unique project

We approach every framing job as a unique project because we know that your space should reflect your individual personality. We will take the time to talk with you about what you need. This helps us understand your vision down to the smallest details.

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